Recognised by the Shonen Hall of Fame, Naruto has achieved iconic status as one of the best-selling mangas in history. 2022 marks the landmark 20th anniversary of the internationally renowned anime series, so to celebrate, Montblanc has collaborated with Naruto’s creators on a collection inspired by the art of storytelling and self-expression.
The Story
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Naruto Symbology
Symbols are an integral part of the rich storytelling that shapes Naruto’s world. A visual means of transmitting knowledge, they are used to signify integral narrative elements such as clans, magic and elements in nature.
Stylish Designs Inspired by an Epic Story
Montblanc x Naruto Collection
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©2002 MASASHI KISHIMOTO / 2007 SHIPPUDEN All Rights Reserved.
Short Form: ©2002MK - 2007SP
©2002 MASASHI KISHIMOTO / 2007 SHIPPUDEN All Rights Reserved.
Short Form: ©2002MK - 2007SP