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  • Writers Edition Homage to Robert Louis Stevenson Limited Edition 1883 Rollerball
  • Writers Edition Homage to Robert Louis Stevenson Limited Edition 1883 Rollerball
  • Writers Edition Homage to Robert Louis Stevenson Limited Edition 1883 Rollerball
  • Writers Edition Homage to Robert Louis Stevenson Limited Edition 1883 Rollerball
  • Writers Edition Homage to Robert Louis Stevenson Limited Edition 1883 Rollerball
  • Writers Edition Homage to Robert Louis Stevenson Limited Edition 1883 Rollerball
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Writers Edition Homage to Robert Louis Stevenson Limited Edition 1883 Rollerball

Writers Edition Homage to Robert Louis Stevenson Limited Edition 1883 Rollerball

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Writers Edition Homage to Robert Louis Stevenson Limited Edition 1883 Rollerball
Writers Edition Homage to Robert Louis Stevenson Limited Edition 1883 Rollerball
Full price for $ 4,900.00

Robert Louis Stevenson, born in Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1850, had two great desires: for freedom and for the distraction of immersing himself in another world. He composed essays and travel accounts as well as his legendary adventure stories peopled with striking characters whose names send a shiver down the spines of readers around the world: Long John Silver, Captain Flint, Jekyll and Hyde. The Montblanc Writers Edition Homage to Robert Louis Stevenson is dedicated to this imaginative storyteller. The novel “Treasure Island” inspired many design details of the edition. The overall shape of the writing instrument and the rings on the cone combine to create an impression of a historic, extendable spyglass. Retelling the story of the Treasure Island , this edition shows the famous Hispaniola on the barrel, intromitted in precious Black lacquer. Embarking on a journey, the Hispaniola waves a British Ensign held behind a small window. Following the storyline of mutiny by pirates, the flag can be turned by a little knob to reveal a pirate's flag. Vertical lines that bring to mind the planks of the schooner “Hispaniola” and a traditional sea chest adorn the signature gold-coated cap. Behind the signature gold-coated clip, the lines converge in a compass rose, while the clip imitates the shape of a belaying pin, to which the lines of a ship’s rigging would be secured. The cap top is crowned by the Montblanc emblem in Mother-of-Pearl. The cap ring is adorned with an engraving of Stevenson’s signature. With signature gold and/or signature gold-coating, Montblanc describes the enlightened shade of yellow gold which has become an appreciated tone for the Maison’s Writing Instruments.

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Product description: Writers Edition Homage to Robert Louis Stevenson Limited Edition 1883 Rollerball

Robert Louis Stevenson, born in Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1850, had two great desires: for freedom and for the distraction of immersing himself in another world. He composed essays and travel accounts as well as his legendary adventure stories peopled with striking characters whose names send a shiver down the spines of readers around the world: Long John Silver, Captain Flint, Jekyll and Hyde. The Montblanc Writers Edition Homage to Robert Louis Stevenson is dedicated to this imaginative storyteller. The novel “Treasure Island” inspired many design details of the edition. The overall shape of the writing instrument and the rings on the cone combine to create an impression of a historic, extendable spyglass. Retelling the story of the Treasure Island , this edition shows the famous Hispaniola on the barrel, intromitted in precious Black lacquer. Embarking on a journey, the Hispaniola waves a British Ensign held behind a small window. Following the storyline of mutiny by pirates, the flag can be turned by a little knob to reveal a pirate's flag. Vertical lines that bring to mind the planks of the schooner “Hispaniola” and a traditional sea chest adorn the signature gold-coated cap. Behind the signature gold-coated clip, the lines converge in a compass rose, while the clip imitates the shape of a belaying pin, to which the lines of a ship’s rigging would be secured. The cap top is crowned by the Montblanc emblem in Mother-of-Pearl. The cap ring is adorned with an engraving of Stevenson’s signature. With signature gold and/or signature gold-coating, Montblanc describes the enlightened shade of yellow gold which has become an appreciated tone for the Maison’s Writing Instruments.

Ident No. MB129522

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Color Black
Writing Mode Rollerball
Dimensions 146.7 mm Dimensions 18.4 mm Dimensions 10 mm Physical Weight 122.68 g

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